SlideMills is the program that plays the ancient Nine Men's Morris or Mills game.
In move 1 white puts a piece on the board at an intersection, then in move 2 black, and so on, until each player has put 9 pieces on the board. After that each player takes a move by moving one of his pieces to an adjacent intersection. As in the placement stage a player shall remove one of the opponent’s pieces if he aligns 3 of his own pieces on a board line, and thereby has a mill. He may not remove a piece in a mill unless all the opponents’ pieces are in a mill. If one player has only 3 pieces left his pieces can "fly", "hop" or "jump" to any empty intersection, not just an adjacent one.
A player wins the game if his opponent has only 2 pieces left unless in the placement stage or if the opponent has no legal moves to take, that is if his pieces are blocked.